Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Still here

I really don't have much new to report. I'm in the second week of treatment now, and am getting a taste of things to come. My innards are inflamed from the radiation, causing all sorts of uncomfortable and generally disgusting side effects. If you've ever eaten too many jalapeƱos and had them burn on the way out, that's how it feels pretty much constantly now. So I have new ointments and stuff to deal with that (falls into the "disgusting" category). My stomach's been bothering me lately, so I'm on Prilosec for that. It hurts to urinate, apparently the radiation affects the bladder, and thus the burning sensation. I'm on Alleve to take care of that. I'm going to need a pill box thingy to get all this stuff organized. One thing is for sure, though, I won't be forgetting the anti-nausea stuff. On the up side, I've lost 12 pounds since first diagnosis :)

That's enough whining and complaining for one day, I suppose. I'll try not to bitch too much, I've got it easy. There are tons of people out there fighting a tougher battle than what I'm faced with.

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